Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Mack, our oldest son, works with us at the Studio,
and now, at the store

He cleans drawers, gilds hardware, assists with shipping, 
basically, whatever needs to get done...

Except painting furniture

Believe it or not, he can't stand painting furniture!

But the kid loves to pull staples and stencil...
and he can stencil like nobodies business!

This stencil?
Not done by us...
One of our client's fell in love the table, bought it, and had it shipped to us to re-paint
I'm a little shocked someone would sell something that was stenciled like this!

Take a look at Mack's work...the kid's got skills!

(there is a side you can't see...that half a stencil actually wraps around the wall)

Not bad, huh?  

If you're local, and need stencil work done, I got connections...



  1. I believe talent begets talent! This stencil job is Gorgeous!!

  2. Yes, the kid's definitely got skills!!! LOVE seeing this and tell your son he's awesome! :)
