Showing posts with label pillows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pillows. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Love these vintage sugar sacks

Someone applied crochet to the edges
and probably used them as pillow cases on a bed

I'll be removing the crochet (too precious for me!)
and creating an envelope closure
with some vintage buttons on the back

These vintage ticking pillowcases were already sewn and ready to go...
The metal zipper opens and closes smoothly...
and the fabric is SPOTLESS

Aren't they sweet with the sack pillows?

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's a Few Grain Sacks Among Friends?

Aren't these fabulous?
They came from the "World's Longest Yard Sale"
but I didn't attend the event...

I have a wonderful client named Rebekah...
she went to the yard sale
she knew I wanted grain sacks
she bought me 41...
yep, 41 grain sacks!

She had to cart them around (and home!)
her husband, Josh, had to talk to the crazy man selling them
(he's really a multi-millionaire...
just lugs around grain and feed sacks because he wants to...)

I have plans...big plans, small plans
lots of plans for all these grain sacks
I'm thinking pillows
wall hangings
and whatever else strikes my fancy!

How much do I adore Rebekah?
More than 41 grain sacks, that's how much!
(and that's a lot because I really love the grain sacks!)