We had some fun this week
playing with Milk Paint from
We love Milk Paint
(don't worry, we still love our ASCP, too!)
and this piece was very well-suited to Milk Paint
It was solid wood, the varnish was old and mostly gone
and we didn't care if it got all chippy and crackled...
in fact, we hoped it would!
We selected Pearl and French Grey
We usually seal our Milk Paint projects with wax
but Dwayne from RMPC encouraged us to try
Burnishing Paste
It comes flat or low sheen
we chose low sheen
It has a very creamy consistency and spreads very easily
No buffing was required...
just brush it on and leave it alone
RMPC has a great tutorial,
so if you'd like to learn more about how to use this product
visit them on youtube
We were very brave,
and decided to give the paste a whirl
over ASCP
It worked great!
It doesn't buff to a sheen like Annie's wax
but it did spread well and protect the surface
Emboldened by our success with the paste,
we decided to apply dark wax over it to see what would happen!
More on that Sunday :0)